About the Adaptive BC Toolkit

Adaptive Business Continuity focuses on the continuous improvement of recovery capabilities.

You will need the right Resources, Procedures, and (crisis) Competencies to recover your services following an uncontrolled loss.

This toolkit guides you through the process of identifying, measuring, and improving recovery capabilities.

The challenge: A planning tool that doesn't create plans!

Post-disaster environments are too unpredictable, unique, fluid, and chaotic to document step-by-step instructions that work.

Besides: Knowing what to do (Procedures) is only one-third (Resources and Competencies) of what is needed for business continuity.

There is no such thing as "The Plan" for recovery.

The Adaptive BC Toolkit leads you through the continuous improvement of recovery capabilities for your organization.

Working in rapid iterations you will provide value to executives, stakeholders, and participants.

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